2/26 : Limited GA tickets remain all Evergreen Locations - See Ticket Page
2/26 : Limited GA tickets remain all Evergreen Locations - See Ticket Page
Evergreen Liquors: Middletown, St. Matthews, Fern Creek, Prospect, Nulu
Cox’s Spirit Shoppes: St. Matthews Hubbards Lane & JTown – Ruckriegel
VIP TICKET PRICE: $85 + tax & fees
GA TICKET PRICE: $60 + tax & fees
2/26: Limited tickets remain at all Evergreen Louisville Locations and Cox's Hubbards Lane/Ruckreigel Locations
SOLD OUT - AC Marriot Nulu Stay & Play FIRST CLASS VIP
Saturday Only: $451.50+
Spice up the VIP Stay and Play Package this year with Tailspin and Louisville’s own Bourbon Barrel Foods.
In addition to the usual - one night stay (03.1.25-03.2.25) in a standard King room at the AC Marriott Hotel in Nulu, two (2) VIP tickets to TSAF, round trip shuttle ride to the festival, breakfast for two at the hotel, plus a beer themed amenity. NEW FOR 2025, Bourbon Barrel Foods is inviting you to an exclusive and complimentary VIP tour of their facility a little over half a mile away from the AC Hotel for a pre-game behind the scenes tour and special treat.
Come by their gorgeous facility for an exclusive tour and tasting at 11am on Saturday, March 1, 2024 with plenty of time to get back to catch the shuttle to Tailspin.
Space is limited and is first-come-first-serve for the behind the scenes Bourbon Barrel Foods Tour. You will be emailed a code closer to Tailspin to secure your spot.
SOLD OUT - AC Marriot Nulu Stay & Play COACH (GA)
Saturday Only: $398.50+
One night stay (03.1.25-03.2.25) standard KING room at the AC Marriot Hotel in Nulu plus two (2) GA tickets to TSAF. Hotel includes room and tax, breakfast for two, round trip shuttle ride to the festival, plus a beer themed amenity.
SHUTTLE TICKET PRICE: $20 + tax & fees
REMINDER: Purchase your shuttle ticket that matches your ticket type. If you purchase a VIP shuttle pass and are holding General Admission tickets, YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT at the gate until the 3pm entry time. No exceptions.
The Tailspin Premium Potties, presented by Tom Drexler Plumbing, provide the ultimate convenience at Tailspin Ale Fest, NO WAITING FOR THE RESTROOM. There are two options for your group.
Tom Drexler Premium Potty Passes ($30/ea) are limited to 300 guests and provide access to one of 17 indoor restrooms via restroom trailers aka Luxury Loos, complete with fully plumbed toilets and sinks, mirrors, and a climate-controlled space. These premium potties are in a private area, accessible only with this pass and limited to 300 guests.
SOLD OUT - Tom Drexler Private Potty Passes ($200/ea.) provide your group with their own private port-o-potty, accessible ONLY to you and those with whom you share the padlock code. That's right, you have your own port-a-potty secured with a padlock and you're the only person with the code. Share this with your friends and family you trust to keep it clean or do your buddy a solid and pull them out of the long line.